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102/545 Blackburn Rd, Mount Waverley VIC 3149

Our Company Policies


Edina Building Group values teamwork, loyalty, professionalism, and safety. All associated parties of our company must follow or align themselves with our code of ethics by:

We serve clients with honesty, integrity, respect, and objectivity. Services will be completed with competence, care, skills, and diligence with consideration to the clients’ needs and wants.

We assign the projects we accept, and services we offer to our members qualified by education, professional training, technical competence, and years of experience.

We implement projects and services consistent to the established standards of construction laws, regulations, and procedures.

We will only make factual statements and will keep the information and records of our clients confidential to protect their proprietary interests.

We respect and will not discriminate against any race, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, or disability. We hold our team accountable for the safety and welfare of our members and clients. Our company will not tolerate any violence, bullying, aggression, or any form of harassment around the project we accept and the services we offer. All members of Edina Building Group will conduct themselves professionally and will not violate any law, regulation, or statute in the performance of professional services.

 Our Policies



Edina Building Group recognises and will conduct business in a manner that protects the quality of the environment in our communities.

This commitment extends to safeguarding the environment from the organisation’s operations so far as is reasonably practicable.


We will strive to:

  • be environmentally responsible
  • comply with all relevant environmental legislation, regulations and other requirements
  • strive to continually improve our environmental performance through a robust
  • EMS within our business framework that meets ISO 14001 requirements
  • reduce our energy and resource use to a sustainable minimum
  • actively seek to reduce pollution.

All staff are expected to provide effective environmental management systems for our operations in accordance with ISO 14001:2015.
Management representatives will be held accountable for implementing this policy by:

  • ensure we work closely with our customers, suppliers, local communities, and other interested parties to continually improve our processes in environmentally better practice.
  • encourage environmental awareness among all staff
  • efficiently use resources including reusing and recycling where possible
  • incorporate environmental better practice into our core management processes



Edina Building Group recognises and will conduct business in a manner that adheres to the OH&S standards of law for our employees and our communities.

This commitment extends to safeguarding all people and properties from the organisation’s operations so far as is reasonably practicable.


We will strive to:

  • prevent workplace injuries and illnesses
  • allocate adequate resources
  • enhance workplace culture
  • provide transparent and robust information, training, instruction and documentation
  • drive continuous improvement in health, safety and wellbeing
  • maintain a working environment that is safe and without risks to health.

All staff are expected to provide effective OH&S systems for our operations in accordance with ISO 14001:2018.
Management representatives will be held accountable for implementing this policy by:

  • promoting health, safety and wellbeing
  • preventing risks and injuries, including through embedding appropriate workplace management and supervision practices for health, safety and wellbeing
  • identifying safety risks (also known as hazards)
  • managing risks, including by implementing controls using the hierarchy of controls
  • responding to risks/hazards, injuries and near misses, including reporting incidents for office support, and overseeing return to work for employees
  • consulting with employees regarding health, safety and wellbeing
  • reviewing and continuously improving the management of health, safety and wellbeing in the workplace.



Edina Building Group recognises and will conduct business in a manner that protects the quality and integrity of our work in our communities.

This commitment extends to safeguarding, integrity and upholding the quality standards from the organisation’s operations so far as is reasonably practicable.


We will strive to:

  • Flexibility, adaptability and resilience exemplify the way we work
  • Diversity of water resources will help meet the challenges ahead
  • Service delivery to customers is efficient, valued and satisfying
  • Knowledge exchange with stakeholders is a two-way street
  • We are influential in creating a better functioning water industry
  • Risk is responsibly managed;
  • Growth and evolution in our customer base is supported; and
  • Customers’ needs are met responsively and sensitively

All staff are expected to provide effective quality management systems for our operations in accordance with ISO 45001:2015.

Management representatives will be held accountable for implementing this policy by:

    • maintenance and effectiveness of the Quality Management System and the achievement of the Quality objectives.
    • directing, supporting and promoting quality management principles and the integration of these principles into their business processes.
    • oversight of the quality objectives and strategy and for monitoring and reporting upon the performance of the quality management system.
    • responsible for developing an understanding of the importance of the quality management system to the business and how their work functions are affected by this policy


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